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Thursday, April 28, 2011

My New Favorite Movies

Well, I ended up laying around the house the entire day today, trying to recoup from my late night last night. My niece, Sammy, is on spring break this week and came over to hang out with me last night. Since she is 13, I was trying to find something for us to do that she would really enjoy, so we loaded up on the junk food and borrowed the three current Twilight movies. We didn't end up finishing until about 4am! I am normally in bed asleep by 11:00, so this really threw me for a loop. We had a really good time, though...and I have to apologize to my good friend Sarah for always teasing her about the movies with our husbands. They were awesome and we totally have a girl's night out at the movies, the night the 4th movie is released. I draw the line at Harry Potter, though, Sarah! :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I had a really good laugh when I saw the picture for the blog and then realized it was yours. You just need to read the first book and you will be hooked.