Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One week, 4 days!!!

The final countdown is upon me...11 days til run time! I have been diligently training (and overtraining) for this Half Marathon race. I cannot wait for it to start, just so it can be over. I have been so nervous the last few months at just the thought of running 13.1 miles at any one given time. However, my wonderful hubby has ran my last two runs with me and has really built up my confidence. Our first last week was about 4 miles and I felt great! Then, Saturday night he ran with me on my final 11 mile run and we finished in 2 hrs 15 minutes. I was really proud of myself. That was the fastest time I have ever been able to run one of my "long distances". It's amazing to me that he can be that much of an encouragement!
I also have a partner change in my big endeavor. My friend Sarah, who was supposed to be running with me, hurt her knee and is unable to run. She offered for me sister-in-law, Joy, to take her spot. Poor Joy only had 2-1/2 weeks to train, but I know she's going to do awesome!!!
My goal time all along has been to finish in under 3 hours, but after my run the other night, I am really going to shoot for 2hrs, 45 mins!
Disney we come!!! :)

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