Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My New Favorite Movies

Well, I ended up laying around the house the entire day today, trying to recoup from my late night last night. My niece, Sammy, is on spring break this week and came over to hang out with me last night. Since she is 13, I was trying to find something for us to do that she would really enjoy, so we loaded up on the junk food and borrowed the three current Twilight movies. We didn't end up finishing until about 4am! I am normally in bed asleep by 11:00, so this really threw me for a loop. We had a really good time, though...and I have to apologize to my good friend Sarah for always teasing her about the movies with our husbands. They were awesome and we totally have a girl's night out at the movies, the night the 4th movie is released. I draw the line at Harry Potter, though, Sarah! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Egg Fun

Happy Resurrection Day!

Sit up straight, look at mommy, don't touch your sister, smile pretty, keep your knees together...just way too many things for the girls to focus on when your taking a picture! These were the best we could do this morning on the way to church. When we walked into church, the greeter asked where we got all these pretty girls from. I answered, "At the pretty girl". Hope you all have had a wonderful Easter celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Darling Daughter

It is hard to believe that in just a few short weeks, my first baby will be graduating from Kindgarten at Grace Christian School. Sniff, Sniff! It is hard to believe how fast your kids grow up and how little time we have to teach them everything they need to know for adult life. Whenever I talk to my mother-in-law about problems that the kids are giving me...she always offers me this simple, yet encouraging thought. View this challenging time of (insert discipline problem here) as just a teaching opportunity. A time for you to train them the correct way to behave. I am so blessed to have so many wise mothers in my life to learn from!