Well, after an extremely tiring morning of pulling weeds at a local children's home with Josiah's junior class, I had to up my milage today. Before last week, I had never run more than 3 miles without stopping and I just completed 4 miles non-stop! My friend and I got these snazzy Nike/I-pod thingys thats basically a pedometer on steriods. I, of course, had to get an Ipod to be able to work it and was so excited to have a valid excuse to get one. There is a micro-chip that I hook onto my shoe laces and a tiny reciever that plug into my ipod and it counted my distance for me as I ran...which will come in handy on my upcoming long distance runs. There was a voice that interupted my music and told my each mile completed and counted down my last mile. It was awesome!!!!
My sister in law, Joy, my friend, Sarah and I just signed up for a 10k on Thanksgiving day. It's called the Turkey Trot. I am really excited!
Also, my dad and I are going to be Muddy Buddies in Miami this November as well. It looks like a ton of fun...running, biking, obstacles, and a world-class giant mud pit that you have to crawl though to reach the finish line. You even dress up in crazy costumes.
Man! I am blessed to have such wonderful health!!!